Sweetwater Local Foods Market
Saturday, June 5th, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Mercy Health Partners/Hackley Health at the Lakes
On Harvey St just 1/2 mile North of Pontaluna Rd.
We are a Bridge Card market
All Eligible Vendors Gladly Accept the Bridge Card!
Important note for Bridge Card customers: Did you know that you can buy vegetable plants with your Bridge Card? You can, and we’ve got them!
Music at the Market! Front Porch Pickin’ musicians join us this week.
This Week’s Vendors
New Vendor!
Dancing Goat Creamery
We are thrilled to welcome farmer & artisan cheese maker Barbara Jenness to our market! Previously we could only get a sampling of her cheeses from Earthly Kneads. Now, customers can purchase her superb variety of artisan cheese from the farmer herself! I bought a new goat cheese last week called Honey & Orange. Tastes heavenly on a muffin for breakfast!
Eventually Barbara will be joined by Karen Lubbers who is in process of forming a new cheese venture called Cowslip Creamery. Until then, Barbara will also carry a variety of Little Rooster Breads from the Lubber’s on-farm bakery run by son Casey Lubbers.
Check out Barbara and her wonderful goats at www.dogwoodfarm.net.
Little Rooster Bread Company info: http://www.littlerooster.net
Barbara has also been instrumental in forming the Michigan Cheesemakers Cooperative. Find out more at www.GreatLakesGreatCheese.com
Mund Farm of Rothbury
Greg & daughter Erin Mund will have loads of fresh picked asparagus this week! The Mund Farm has been in the family since the 1900’s. It was originally a dairy farm, changing to fruit and vegetables in 1955. Greg started using organic practices in 1992, and went totally organic in 2009. The farm will apply for organic certification in 2010-11.
Creswick Farms of Ravenna
Handcrafted Sausages and Specialty Meats
Just in time for Summer grilling – Chicago Style Hot Dogs (pasture raised and nitrate-free)
Fresh-Aire Pastured Pork
Pork Tenderloin. Pork Chops. Hickory Smoked & Apple Smoked Bacon. Nitrite-Free. Soup Seasoning Bacon Ends.
Pork Sausages: Garlic Kielbasa. Chorizo. Breakfast sausage, links and 1# bulk pkg. Italian Sausage in 1# bulk pkg.
Old Fashioned Ring-Style Bologna.
Deli Ham, Gourmet Burgers, and Chicken (all cuts) will be available at the June 12th Market.
Grass-fed Beef
Round Roast. Flank Steak. Filet Mignon. Ground Beef Patties (3 1/3# patties) Ground Beef in 1lb. packages.
Pepperoni slices. Thin-sliced & spiced perfectly for pizzas, pasta salads & snacking.
Chicken Sausages: Apple Chicken Sausage
Lamb Sausages: Moroccan Lamb link sausage.
Snack Sticks
Pancetta Gourmet Italian ham
Soy Free Eggs: Available by pre-order only (see below).
Important Notice Regarding Pre-Orders: If you pre-order meat you will have to pick it up on Saturday by no later than 12:00 noon or the items will be put back in stock. If you have an emergency and can’t make it you can call the cell phone to reach me before the noon cut-off at 231.670.4817. Thanks!
Pre-Orders: Email Chris Bedford at chrisbedford@charter.net by no later than Monday morning before the next market and he will have it ready for you to pick up on Saturday. For a complete list of products, please see the website: www.CreswickFarms.com
Grassfields Organic, Raw Milk Cheese of Coopersville
Lamont Cheddar, Gouda, Gouda with Dill, Gouda with Garlic & Onion, Leyden (Gouda with Cumin)
Polkton Corners (unpressed Gouda = softer cheese), Edam (low-fat Gouda) and
Earthscape Farm of Hesperia
Veggies this week ~ Spinach and Mixed Salad Greens; Head lettuce; Beet Greens; Pak Choi; Kohlrabi; Red Scallions; Cilantro, Parsley, Rosemary, fresh Oregano.
Chive Plants; Plus 2 kinds of parsley – Flatleaf Gigante d’Italia and Curly Krauss.
BEEF ~ We have Quarters of our Grass-Fed Beef FOR SALE! It is getting butchered next month. Order a quarter now and you can have it cut & packaged the way you want, or get our standard cut. Email pbobier@voyager.net or call for details.
We will have beef by the pound and package at Sweetwater on Saturday. Steaks, roasts, ground beef, stew meat, cubed steak, tongue, soup bones, heart. Also ground beef in 10 + # quantities (1-2# packages) for $3.50 per lb.
ON SALE! Organic Olive Oil ~ Choose your favorite bottle. 10% off.
HIGHER GROUNDS COFFEE ~ I’ll be bringing an assortment of 1# bags.
CHECK OUT OUR BLOG ~ http://www.earthscapefarm.blogspot.com We have 3 shares remaining for this year’s CSA. Let us know if you are interested. We will deliver to Sweetwater Market this year.
Harmony Gardens of Montague
Garden Plants! Heirloom tomatoes, peppers & more.
From the Hoophouse: Hakurei Turnips! Kales. Lettuces. Shungiku edible chrysanthemum.
McLaughlin Grows! Urban Farm of Muskegon
Dustin Anderson, farm manager of this new inner city urban farm sponsored by Community EnCompass, returns with heads of Romaine lettuce. bagged mixed greens. First of season radishes.
Liberty Family Farm & Abundant Harvest Bakery of Hart
From the farm:
Fresh Pasture Raised Chicken. Fed non-GMO grains, supplemented with flaxseed. Whole chickens, Boneless Skinless Breast, leg quarters, wings & livers.
Grassfed Beef. 1# ground beef,patties, soupbones, oxtail. tongue & liver.
Grassfed Goat & Lamb all cuts available. Chops, steaks, shanks, ground and ribs.
From The Bakery
NEW ITEMS THIS WEEK:Casatiello Bread. A dreamy Italian elaboration of Brioche, full of Gouda cheese and salami. Serve it warm or cool, each slice will taste like a sandwich.
Potato Rosemary Bread
Wild Mushroom Ciabatta Bread made with Shiitake mushrooms & garlic.
Cherry Chocolate Pecan Breakfast Cookie is Back!
Regular Breakfast Cookie and Chocolate Walnut
Strawberry Rhubarb Pies with our fresh Rhubarb and chemical free Strawberries
Empanadas delicious meat pies made with Grassfed Beef, organic onions and a touch of Chipotle in our cheddar cheese crust.
100% Whole Wheat Bread
Gluten Free Bread
Strawberry Gluten Free Pie
From the Garden
Loads of Spinach and Heirloom Lettuces are still coming!
Arugula, parsley & green onions
Earthly Kneads of Muskegon
New this week: fresh and dried shiitake mushrooms from Frasure Farms! Cooking out? Did you know you can toast bread on the grill? All you need is medium heat and a vigilant watch to make sure it doesn’t burn and you can have beautiful toast in about 5 minutes. Brush the bread with a little olive oil, sprinkle it with some salt when it comes off, and then rub it with a cut clove of fresh garlic for garlic bread in a flash.
Customers: We’re baking up a storm and will be at market with our usual huge assortment of Bread, Scones, cookies, muffins and granolas. See you there!
Hickory Ridge Family Farm
Please note: We will not be attending this Saturday due to a previously planned event. However, next Saturday we will have a fresh supply of chicken! Whole chicken & cuts including chicken breast & leg quarters, wings, soup stock. Chickens raised on pasture & supplemented with either certified organic feed from Grahams Organic, or non-organic but not GMO from a local farm co-op.
Garlic scapes.
We still have an assortment of Happy Hill Frozen Turkey & Chicken.
Agriculture & Health Alive of Marne
New from the Garden! Freshly dug & potted Comfrey plants. Comfrey is a dynamic accumulator; that means it has a large taproot that brings valuable minerals up to the surface. Good for teas, poultices & lots more.
Garden supplies. We will have 10 oz to 10# sizes of various garden supplements, like Berry Mix, Liquid Fish & Kelp concentrates, Maxicrop, Dry Kelp Meal, Milky spore & Diamatacious Earth.
From the bookshelf: Ask Mother Nature: A Conscious Gardeners Guide, by Ellen Vandevisse. Or How to Grow More Vegetables, by John Jeavons.
Also: Nantucket Bakery Cinnamon Raisin Bread and other baked goods.
Northern Naturals Cherry Concentrate. Blackstrap molasses, honey & maple syrup.
Good for the body & soul!
Bee & Botanical of Spring Lake
Look forward to seeing you at the market this week. Stop by and check out our wonderful beeswax candles, certified organic soaps, lip balms, lavender sachets and other great organic and natural products.
I have a nice assortment of Michigan beeswax candles. These candles are made with 100% pure beeswax and 100% cotton wicks. They not only have that nice natural honey scent but they are the cleanest and brightest burning candles on the market. Because beeswax has a very high melting point, they also burn slower, lasting longer.
Lip balms in unflavored, peppermint, grapefruit and cinnamon, made with moisturizing oils, Michigan beeswax and the finest organic essential oils for flavoring.
Certified Organic Soaps in Peppermint, Grapefruit, Lemongrass Tea, Northern Forest and others wonderful scents made with essetial oils (no artifical fragrances used in these soaps). Specialty soaps included Rows and Furrow’s Gardener’s Soap with the ingrediendt added to cut the grit and grime that come from a good day of gardening or other dirty work.
New this week (for those that have been asking), Dog Shampoo Soap in a regular Dirty Dog blend and also one for dogs with itchy or dry skin, Oatmeal and Honey,
which includes honey, almond oil and oats. Both are made using rose geranium, neem oil, rosemary, lavender and other oils to keep away ticks, fleas and mosquitos in a natural non-toxic way.
Brittanie’s Thyme of Cedar Springs
Summer weather has arrived and so has our desire to be out of doors! Brittanie’s Thyme offers a very safe and effective organic Insect Repellent made with a blend of clove, eucalyptus, geranium, tea tree and peppermint. No toxic DEET or citronella, only a pleasant scent without the oily residue that can also stain clothing. I have successfully used this product for 6 years on myself, my grandchildren and even pets. I have also used this spray on the grassy areas we were lounging with great all day success. To start your summer off we are offering: Organic Insect Repellent 4oz reg $8.50/ sale $6.00 Organic Bug Bite Relief (roll-on) reg $4.50/ sale $3.50. I look forward to seeing you at the market!
Imagination to Creation Jewelry of North Muskegon
I will not be at market on Saturday, June 5 as I now have to share my time between Sweetwater and my boutique. Hope to see you soon!
Soul Infusions of Cedar Springs
Stock up on large pre-filled tea bags for summer gallon size Sun Teas.. large variety of tea bags $ 3.00 ea. Lots of summer time herbs, salts, and peppers for grilling fun.
Last but not least
If you would like to become a Friend of the Market for a suggested donation of $10.00, which entitles you to a free cup of coffee at every market you attend for a full year, please see me at the market this Saturday! We will also have Higher Grounds Coffee by the Cup for a suggested donation of $1.00.
Sweetwater is now on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Muskegon-MI/Sweetwater-Local-Foods-Market/111077177535
Hope to see you at the market!
Diana Jancek
Market Manager